Amandine Bajou

José Luis Fulgeri

namiko-nblight2Namiko Gahier-Ogawa, performer franco-japonaise, interprète et chorégraphe au sein de compagnies au Chili, Japon, Irlande du Nord, Belgique, Hollande, Grande-Bretagne et en France, dirige la cie pluridisciplinaire Yumé Arts, où elle développe ses collaborations. Elle est directrice du mouvement lors de créations à l’Opera Holland Park et The Scottish Opera.   —–


Deva Macazaga

Roland Garnier (IUT Orleans)

Pavel Goldstein (Haifa U.)


Pavel Goldstein is a consultant at Statistical Consulting Unit, researcher at the Emili Sagol Creative Arts Therapies Research Center and PhD fellow in the department of Psychology at the University of Haifa. His research concentrates on interpersonal physiological synchronization and the role of social touch and pain in this process, combining behavioral observations with electrophysiology (hyperscanning) and autonomic  measurements.  In addition, hi investigates effect of oxytocin on dyadic dance movement synchrony and collaborate with Labodanse project.

In parallel, Pavel research interaction between genes from the perspective of bioinformatics and investigated determinants of salt intake and the related metabolism processes. In the past he served as senior biostatistician in RAMBAM Health Care Campus and EAGeR (Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction) clinical trial. Pavel also has extensive experience teaching statistical courses of different levels (BA, MA, MSc) at the University of Haifa and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

My Brain Technologies

Mélanie Perrier

Biliana Vassileva